Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Worthier Cause

To the Chinese we are in the year of the Rat, in our household we are in the year of self-improvement. But as with any task that is undertaken there are bound to be some set backs. I have reached my first hurdle- it is called shin splints. They are painful; a blinding, searing pain that tells me I am doing something wrong. With the help of my cousin, Jamie and Ben I have been set on the right path again. I will have to take a small hiatus from running but was told I could bike in order to stay on track with my program. Once I can run again I will pick up my program where I left off- a few weeks behind but I won't let it discourage me. Which brings me to some big news...

Even with all of the goals I have set forth for myself I realize what I long for, to do what I am really good at...helping others.

So, I am up-ing the ante and adding one more goal to my list. Break out your pom-poms and megaphones and get ready to cheer us on as Ben and I enter the Race for the Cure 5K marathon in Columbus on May 16th; a clear, set goal with a deadline. I work better under pressure anyway.

Can I get a Woot-Woot?!


  1. Good for you and Ben I;m So proud of you and of course Woot-Woot!!!!!!

  2. WOOT WOOT!!!!

    How exciting running a 5k together! I admire those that run, and even more so, those that enjoy running!

    Did you try massage ice on the shin splints- or full range of motion stretches? I'm sure you did.

